Subscriptions and recurring purchases: a new payment method for your business

SIBS is preparing to launch the new Authorised Payments feature, a service that allows the merchant to offer a new payment method via MB WAY, aimed at subscriptions or recurrent purchases.

Authorised Payments enable your customers to make a one-off approval of a pre-defined amount that can be charged with each purchase or subscription/monthly payment without the need for further approvals. Thus, MB WAY users will be able to make purchases in your online store or Marketplace with just one click, significantly simplifying the purchase process and encouraging recurring purchases, thereby contributing to increased sales.

To provide this feature to your customers, you only have to enable the “MB WAY Authorised Payments” payment method in the normal checkout flow of your online store. By selecting this new payment method, users will only need to complete the Authorised Payments enrolment process in the MB WAY app.

Authorised Payments will allow your business to benefit from:
Increased sales: Reduce the loss of the purchase funnel in your business and provide a better shopping experience for your customers;

Customer loyalty: Increase purchase recurrence and the ability to retain customers in your business by making your customer’s payment experience simpler and faster;

Control your business: You can easily see how many customers have automatically signed up or opted out of your subscription service.

Authorised Payments will be available for all SIBS Payment Gateway customers. Find out how to enrol here: (

To learn more about the SIBS Partner program or other SIBS payment solutions such as MB WAY, MULTIBANCO References and Bank Card, please visit our website (